Monday, April 30, 2012

Tentative Itinerary

June 29th/30th : Travel to Namibia.

July 1st : Settle in. Meet with missionaries we will be helping out. 

July 2nd : Travel from Windhoek to Sawkopmund on the coast. Set up and prepare for our first Holiday Club the next day. 

July 3rd/4th/5th : Holiday Club for about 400+ girls. 

July 6th : Visit to homes or Hospital. Prepare and set up for Women Of Value Lunch.

July 7th : Women of Value Luncheon. 

July 8th : Church with local missionaries. Prepare and set up for Holiday Club the next day. 

July 9th/10th/11th :  Holiday Club for 400+ boys. 

July 12th : day of rest. Game Drive. Shopping. 

July 13th/14th : Travel home.  

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