Friday, June 29, 2012

We Are Off...


Here is a what we will be doing each day. For a full prayer calendar it is further down on the blog and DeeDee will keep you posted on how to pray as well as any updates from us. God Bless and we will see you in two weeks!!

June 29th:  The rest of the team head out to Namibia
July 1st: We arrive in Namibia, drive to Swakopund where we will be staying. 
July 2nd: The work starts... set up for the girls Holiday Club. Visit local homes. 
July 3rd: Holiday Club for the girls. 
July 4th: Holiday Club for the girls.
July 5th: Holiday Club for the girls. 
July 6th: Prepare for Women of Value. Hospital visits
July 7th: Women of Value Luncheon
July 8th: Church. Prepare for Boys Holiday Club
July 9th: Holiday Club for the boys.
July 10th: Holiday Club for the boys..
July 11th:. Holiday Club for the boys. 
July 12th: Head to Windhoek. Game Drive. Shopping 
July 13th: Start the journey home. 
July 14th: Arrive home at noon.

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