Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prayer Calendar for Trip

Prayer Needs
June 22-24
Carol & Lanita travel to and arrive in Namibia
·         Traveling safety
·         Staying healthy
·         Making all plane connections
·         Quick passage at customs in all airports
·         All bags arriving on time
·         To recuperate from jet lag quickly
June 25-28
Carol & Lanita making preparations for team
·         For wisdom on purchases and plans for the events
·         Getting preparation completed before team arrives
·         Remembering to spend time in the Word & prayer.
·         Submitting to our leaders
·         Maintaining a servants heart
June 29-July 1
Remaining team members travel to and arrive to Namibia
·         Traveling safety
·         Staying healthy
·         Making all plane connections
·         Quick passage at customs in all airports
·         All bags arriving on time
·         To recuperate from jet lag quickly
July 2
Settling in/Preparation for Girls Holiday Club

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Settling in and adjusting quickly
·         Working together in unity
·         Remembering  to spend time in the Word & prayer
·         Submitting to our leaders
·         Maintaining a servants heart
·         Being flexible and adaptable
·         Showing compassion to the children and to each other
·         Working together for God’s purpose and glory
·         Good Health
July 3-5
Girls Holiday Club

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Working together in unity
·         Maintaining a servants heart
·         Maintaining  a positive attitude
·         Being flexible and adaptable
·         Show love and compassion to the children and to each other
·         Good health
·         Children having open and receptive hearts to the Gospel
July 6
Preparation for Women of Value

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Working together in unity
·         Being flexible
·         Working together for God’s purpose and glory
·         Good rest and health
July 7
Women of Value
·         Working together in unity
·         Being flexible
·         Show love, compassion and respect to the women and to each other
·         Good Health
·         The women having open and receptive hearts to the Gospel
July 8
Church/Preparation for Boys Holiday Club

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Working together in unity
·         Remembering  to spend time in the Word & prayer
·         Submitting to our leaders
·         Maintaining a servants heart
·         Being flexible and adaptable
·         Working together for God’s purpose and glory
·         Good Health
July 9-11
Boys Holiday Club

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Working together in unity
·         Maintaining a servants heart
·         Maintaining  a positive attitude
·         Being flexible and adaptable
·         Show love and compassion to the children and to each other
·         Good health
·         Children having open and receptive hearts to the Gospel
July 12
·         Traveling safety from Swakopmund to Windhoek & Okahandja
·         Staying healthy
·         Relaxing time together before long flight home
·         Good conversation during sharing
·         Quality time in prayer
July 13-14
Team traveling Home
·         Traveling safety
·         Staying healthy
·         Making all plane connections
·         Passage at customs in all airports
·         All bags arriving on time
·         To recuperate from jet lag quickly

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