Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Carry On Bags


As nice as the gal at security was,
DeeDee had to throw away most of the stuff you see in the photo!!
Make sure this doesn't happen to you!!
Here is a link if you want more details on what is allowed,
but I'll try to give a "quick" summary :)

Common sense stuff still can't come with- knives,scissors, etc.
Each person is allowed
ONE quart size, zip-top, clear plastic bag and all of your liquids must fit in here
as you're going through security.All of those liquids must be in bottles labeled 3oz. or less.This means if you have a bottle of lotion that is labeled 4oz., but it clearly is only 1/2 full, they will make you throw it in the garbage, so watch your labels!
This includes gels- hair gel, toothpast, etc.

Prescriptions in their original bottles
are allowed, they don't need to fit in your baggie.

Don't bring bottles of water, juice, or pop with to the airport, you can't get them past security.(empty water bottles are fine)
Once you're through security you can buy all of the beverages you need and they are fine to come on the plane with you.
Remember, you get one carry on bag that is under 35 pounds
and on personal item... You can not bring two 35 pound bags.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Rural poverty in Namibia

Although Namibia is classified as a middle-income country, the income gap between rich and poor is one of the most marked in the world. The government has made good progress in addressing structural problems such as gender parity and access to basic education, yet the situation of imbalance persists. Although a tiny proportion of the population enjoys considerable wealth, overall poverty rates are high. About 27.6 per cent of households are classified as poor and 13.8 per cent as severely poor; poverty is especially prevalent in rural areas.

About 70 per cent of the population lives in rural areas, and about 60 per cent are concentrated in the seven northern regions. The rural poor are typically undereducated, with limited access to health care, adequate sanitation and gas and electricity supplies. Food shortages are a major problem during years of drought, and nutritional intake is consistently poor.

Namibia is unusual in the region in that rural people are less dependent on agriculture than their counterparts in other countries. Sources such as pensions and remittances provide important additional income for many subsistence farmers.

Namibia has one of the highest incidences of HIV/AIDS in the region. The epidemic is a major factor in the incidence of poverty and vulnerability among the rural population.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I pray because...

“I pray because I can't help myself. 
I pray because I'm helpless.
 I pray because the need flows out of me all the time- waking and sleeping.
 It doesn't change God- it changes me.” ~C.S. Lewis

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Malaria Pills or Not....

We will be in Swakopmud... Antimalarial are not usually advised. :)  


Namibia Malaria Map

Namibia Malaria Map

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prayer Calendar for Trip

Prayer Needs
June 22-24
Carol & Lanita travel to and arrive in Namibia
·         Traveling safety
·         Staying healthy
·         Making all plane connections
·         Quick passage at customs in all airports
·         All bags arriving on time
·         To recuperate from jet lag quickly
June 25-28
Carol & Lanita making preparations for team
·         For wisdom on purchases and plans for the events
·         Getting preparation completed before team arrives
·         Remembering to spend time in the Word & prayer.
·         Submitting to our leaders
·         Maintaining a servants heart
June 29-July 1
Remaining team members travel to and arrive to Namibia
·         Traveling safety
·         Staying healthy
·         Making all plane connections
·         Quick passage at customs in all airports
·         All bags arriving on time
·         To recuperate from jet lag quickly
July 2
Settling in/Preparation for Girls Holiday Club

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Settling in and adjusting quickly
·         Working together in unity
·         Remembering  to spend time in the Word & prayer
·         Submitting to our leaders
·         Maintaining a servants heart
·         Being flexible and adaptable
·         Showing compassion to the children and to each other
·         Working together for God’s purpose and glory
·         Good Health
July 3-5
Girls Holiday Club

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Working together in unity
·         Maintaining a servants heart
·         Maintaining  a positive attitude
·         Being flexible and adaptable
·         Show love and compassion to the children and to each other
·         Good health
·         Children having open and receptive hearts to the Gospel
July 6
Preparation for Women of Value

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Working together in unity
·         Being flexible
·         Working together for God’s purpose and glory
·         Good rest and health
July 7
Women of Value
·         Working together in unity
·         Being flexible
·         Show love, compassion and respect to the women and to each other
·         Good Health
·         The women having open and receptive hearts to the Gospel
July 8
Church/Preparation for Boys Holiday Club

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Working together in unity
·         Remembering  to spend time in the Word & prayer
·         Submitting to our leaders
·         Maintaining a servants heart
·         Being flexible and adaptable
·         Working together for God’s purpose and glory
·         Good Health
July 9-11
Boys Holiday Club

(Possible opportunities for home/hospital visits)
·         Working together in unity
·         Maintaining a servants heart
·         Maintaining  a positive attitude
·         Being flexible and adaptable
·         Show love and compassion to the children and to each other
·         Good health
·         Children having open and receptive hearts to the Gospel
July 12
·         Traveling safety from Swakopmund to Windhoek & Okahandja
·         Staying healthy
·         Relaxing time together before long flight home
·         Good conversation during sharing
·         Quality time in prayer
July 13-14
Team traveling Home
·         Traveling safety
·         Staying healthy
·         Making all plane connections
·         Passage at customs in all airports
·         All bags arriving on time
·         To recuperate from jet lag quickly

Tuesday, May 15, 2012