Friday, July 13, 2012

On our way home

Dear family and friends... greetings from Namibia!! Today we are heading home and for the first time have had Internet. What an amazing trip this has been. We completed all our work and many were truly blessed as we were blessed too. We have so much to share when we get back.

Today we saw our first Meerkat, what a sight! Right outside our windows in the city! We are now off to do a little shopping before we get on the plane!

We leave in just 6 more hours and will be traveling for 27 hours. Please pray for us. Some of us have colds and that is never fun. Pray for rest on the flights and fun. That all our luggage makes it home with us.

We love and miss you all and cant wait to see you!! Team Zebra

Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30,2012
The remaining team members are now traving to Namibia.  We all need to pray that they travel safely, make all plane connections, and quick passage at customs in all airports. Oh Dear Lord, please let their bags arrive on time and they all recuperate from jet lag quickly. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

We Are Off...


Here is a what we will be doing each day. For a full prayer calendar it is further down on the blog and DeeDee will keep you posted on how to pray as well as any updates from us. God Bless and we will see you in two weeks!!

June 29th:  The rest of the team head out to Namibia
July 1st: We arrive in Namibia, drive to Swakopund where we will be staying. 
July 2nd: The work starts... set up for the girls Holiday Club. Visit local homes. 
July 3rd: Holiday Club for the girls. 
July 4th: Holiday Club for the girls.
July 5th: Holiday Club for the girls. 
July 6th: Prepare for Women of Value. Hospital visits
July 7th: Women of Value Luncheon
July 8th: Church. Prepare for Boys Holiday Club
July 9th: Holiday Club for the boys.
July 10th: Holiday Club for the boys..
July 11th:. Holiday Club for the boys. 
July 12th: Head to Windhoek. Game Drive. Shopping 
July 13th: Start the journey home. 
July 14th: Arrive home at noon.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Video for Women of Value

Preparing For us to Arrive

Today Carol and Lenita are working hard to prepare for the rest of us to join them. They are shopping in Namibia for our food and setting up the Holiday Clubs. They are getting the word out we will be there for the kids.

Please pray for wisdom on purchases and pland for the events. Pray too that they get all done before we arrive next Sunday.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lanita and Carol are in Namibia

Hello everyone,
Just sending a quick note to let you know we made it safely to Namibia.  We are enjoying visiting with Pastor Stephan and Beverley here at their home.
We visited their church today and saw its expansion which is due to be completed this weekend.  We are slowing recovering from our long journey, but we had no issues at any of the airports or in security.  All luggage arrived safely too.
Thanks for your prayers, and please continue praying.  Looking forward to seeing all of Team Zebra next week!!
Lanita & Carol